Education Series

Join us for the Pre-Convention Education Series starting August 6 and make sure you're fully prepared to hit the ground running with the exciting new products being released at Convention 2024! A Convention Ticket is required to join! If you haven’t already purchased a ticket you can do so here.
Excited about the new products for Convention?
Schedule of Videos
August 6, 2024: Wellness Foundations with Dr. David Hill and Dr. Vohn Watts
August 13, 2024: Optimize Your Routine for Longevity with Dr. Russell Osguthorpe and Dr. Brannick Riggs
August 20, 2024: Women's Health Conversations with Emily Wright and Lauren Busch
August 27, 2024: Lifestyle Habits for a Healthy Microbiome with Jared Auger, Dr. Vohn Watts, Alex DaBell, and Shannon Bible
What You Need to Know:
Date: Tuesdays, starting August 6
Time: 6:00pm MT
Make sure to test your login Tuesday at 10am MT, on the streaming website with the same email and password you used to register for your ticket. The call will start at 6pm and you don't want to miss a minute!
These live sessions are designed to provide you with valuable insights to help you understand the foundations of wellness and prepare for the new products being released at Convention 2024.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and be ready for the amazing new products coming your way!
Anyone with an in-person or virtual Convention ticket for dōTERRA Convetion 2024 | Reclaim 2024.
Convention.doterra.com explains prices for In-Person and Virtual tickets for convention. Once you purchase a ticket for convention you can watch the education series. This ticket will also let you watch General Sessions for virtual tickets and watch all sessions with an in-person ticket.
Head to doterra2024.brandlive.com/convention.
Log in with the email address you used to register for convention.
Enjoy the livestream! They will be the only videos available in the platform.
The education calls are held live. The videos will be available after the event, but if you join late, you will need to wait until the event is over to watch again. These are happening every week for four weeks, so you will want to stay caught up with all the videos!
We are so excited for the new convention products that are launching. doTERRA would like to provide a foundational understanding of wellness so that when the new products launch, you will immediately understand what they can do for your health and wellness and how to incorporate them into your daily routine. These calls will also help you explain to others what is necessary for a healthy foundation and lifestyle.
Unfortunately, the platform does not support multiple languages at this time.